Going All The Way


This month’s Song You Should Listen To – All The Way by Newsboys – conveys my desire for 2013, enough said by me, I’ll let the song speak for itself. Listen and enjoy.

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/all-the-way/id471679867?i=471679986
Spotify: Newsboys – All the Way

See you next year!

Pony (It’s OK) – Erin McCarley


Well, it’s been awhile folks. Firstly I apologize for not posting in November, I had heaps of school work to do from about mid November to mid December. I’m on break now though (at least until next Monday)! So here is the review post for December. I was considering reviewing a Christmas song, but I decided against it, as the message of most Christmas songs are fairly neutral or just silly – I mean seriously, would you really want to read a post about the underlying message of Jingle Bells? I didn’t think so…

The song I chose was Pony (It’s OK) by Erin McCarley. How did I land on this song? By complete chance. I must have got it a while back in an iTunes sampler or something, because I’ve never played it before today. It showed up in a genius playlist that I created, and as I was listening, I decided that this was the song.

From what I can tell after reading the lyrics through and listening to the song a few times, this song is about escaping a broken past into a bright future. This is made really obvious in verses 1 and 3 where some of the lyrics are:
Verse 1a
“You hold your head up to the sky
Ya say What kind of blue are you?”

Verse 3a
“It’s time for you to prove,
Within your ruby shoes you,
you deserve a smile with no regret”

I think what this song tells people is that even if you have had something ruin your life in the past, you don’t have to be stuck there. You’ve got to “Go on” and move toward a brighter future. Your past does play a roll in making you the person that you are, but it should never define who you are. It will be hard, and you might just have to go out into a field under the stars and scream about how you feel, but once you push through that, your life will be better. And as the song says: “You gotta take a bow and do it your way.” I think this means that we should listen to the advice and counsel of others, but ultimately we’ve got to cope with the hard times in our own way, just as we must forge our goals for our future in our own ways. Other people’s advice is important, but ultimately you must make your decisions and actions your own.

I must say that I am very pleased that I happened upon this song today. I think that the message is one that is very needed by a lot of people. So don’t dwell on the past, but instead live for the present and the hope of a brighter future. Interestingly enough, this song also fits with the theme for today – New Year’s Eve. A new year is unknown, vast, and contains almost infinite possibilities. I pray that you move into this new year with wisdom from the past, peace in the present, and hope for tomorrow!

Thanks for your readership this year, and I hope you’ll join me again next year!

Until next year then,

Here is a little paragraph at how weird the events surround me choosing this song were:
I was listening to a song by He is We that reminded me of another band with a short three part name – She & Him. The “she” in She & Him is Zooey Deschanel. Zooey plays the main girl lead in Elf (a Christmas movie), and also DG in Tin Man, a miniseries that is a reimagining of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This is the month of Christmas, and then on top of that, we have the words of this song, which refer to yellow brick roads and ruby slippers. A little strange I think… 😉