Heart, we’ve fallen out…


Like my review post, this is going up late. If you want my lame excuse, go read the post before this one…

As we travel through life, we interact will all sorts of people, places, and things. All three of these are able to create emotions – sometimes good, and sometimes bad. You can think of emotions like a dog – they make life fun/interesting, you have to take care of them, you can play with them, and some times they pee in the house. Basically, you have good emotions, and you have bad emotions, that’s a natural part of life. The problems come when we allow our emotions to steer the ship. Just like you wouldn’t let a dog steer a ship, you shouldn’t let your emotions steer your life.
Most of the time, the heart is referred to when talking about emotions, so since we have delegated the responsibility of emotions to the heart, we end up with phrases like “Follow your heart,” “Trust your heart,” “Let your heart decide” (thank you Disney for feeding this to us in nearly every movie you make). What does the Bible say about our hearts? “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Jeremiah 17:9. I’d say that this passage is pretty clear, you can’t trust your heart, and you should be going anywhere with it or letting it decide anything! Now, of course we do need to listen to our emotions from time to time – after all they are part of us as God’s creation – but we need to be careful to not give them the reigns to our life. Going back to the dog analogy, it’s probably a good idea to pay attention to your dog when it starts barking at something lurking in the dark.
All that being said, I introduce this month’s (July’s) Song You Should Listen To: Dear Heart by Sanctus Real. There are not many lyrics to this song, but the message comes across loud and clear – Our hearts let us down, our emotions can’t save us, only Jesus can. Amen.

iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/dear-heart/id377574913?i=377575059
Spotify: Sanctus Real – Dear Heart

Lyrics: (I started bolding my favorite phrases, but quickly realized that I was basically bolding the entire song…)

Dear Heart, do you belong to me, or do I belong to you?
Just look at all the trouble you drag me into.
I’ve heard it said to follow your heart,
But I’m starting to wonder if it’s gone too far.

Oh Heart, you’ve let me down,
Chasing love where it can’t be found.
Heart, we’ve fallen out,
Cause all of your emotions
Have led me to doubt. Tell me who’s gonna save us now?

Dear Heart, you’re in the wrong place,
Looking out for yourself no matter what I say.
And I know that you’re holding me back,
And it’s time for a change, so I’m giving you away.

Heart, you’ve let me down,
Chasing love where it can’t be found.
And Heart, we’ve fallen out,
Cause all of your emotions
Have led me to doubt. Tell me who’s gonna save us now?

La la la la la la la la la,
La la la la la la la la la (2x)

Heart, you’ve let me down,
Chasing love where it can’t be found.
And Heart, we’ve fallen out,
Cause all of your emotions
Have led me to doubt. Only Jesus can save us now

I hope you enjoy this song,

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