Songs You Should Listen To – The Invasion (Hero)


I was thinking about different songs I could do for the Month of January, and as I was thinking about it, I realized that it might be cool if I added a section to this blog – the Songs you should listen to section. I have a feeling that many of the songs I’ll be reviewing are songs that Christians generally shouldn’t listen to (although, so far, I think that Born This Way is the only song I’ve done that Christians should definitely not listen to).

This new section will be separate from my reviews. I’m pretty sure I can do one a month, so that is what I will aim for. What will this section contain? Well, as the name implies, it will be songs that are awesome, and Christ exalting, that I think Christians should be listening to. I’m not going to review/break-down the song, as the point is really just to give you things to type into Spotify.

Generally, I will be picking songs that are not as mainstream (as least in my mind). Hopefully, this will expand your music tastes and show you that there are many types of good Christian music.

The first song in this series is The Invasion (Hero) by Trip Lee. Some of you will probably not like this song (musically) because it is a rap. In general, I avoid rap music, but when it comes to Christian rap music…it’s awesome. Christian rap is a really cool genre of music because the artist can put deep theological truths into the song, something which tends to be lost in “normal church music” (see Thank You For Hearing Me by David Crowder). Not that songs where you repeat the same phrase over, and over, and over are bad, but they sometimes fail to explain much of the Gospel message.

At any rate, I hope you enjoy this song, and the new section!
I’ve included all the lyrics below since this song is all about the words.
Special thanks to Ben Shudak who introduced me to this song.

Here is the Spotify Link: Trip Lee – The Invasion (Hero) Ft. Jai

If you don’t have Spotify, here is Youtube:


Verse 1:

Look, Creation’s groaning, lost their hope and feel they always closed in. Lots to cope with, on the ropes, wish they was in the open. This broken world is so dim, our souls are searching, groping. For one with hope to hold us close, and set goodness in motion. I remember growing up in Dallas, I thought me and my close kin was more than straight, our folks was great, not broke that paper flowed in. Not boasting man, just saying in my brain I didn’t know then That all went wrong, and it just can’t go right like a broke pen. My mind was blind and cloaked in, but then that foolishness departed I saw this thing’s an ocean, and we just tryna swim real far, but can’t nobody float when we ain’t got boats or no fins We need a hero to go in, cause our solutions don’t win Education can’t fix it, more dough just leads to more sin, Medicine is temporary, government seems so thin. With all these weighty problems, that ain’t shrinking they just growing Who’s adequate to save us, how about He knew no sin?


Like a G5 yeah you rushed to rescue me. Took a cross in exchange for a throne to save me. You began the work and I know you’ll finish and make all things right when you come back. Cause you’re my hero, you already saved the day. Cause you’re my hero, and I know you’re coming back for me

Verse 2:

Follow the steps bro, Adam sinned now we all dead so. We gotta sentence on our head like death row, everything is wrecked All creation is a mess so, In the fullness of time, in steps the hero no red cloak, He’s Jesus. No flashing lights, glitz n glam, and no cameras. He came to serve needy folks, and point them to the answer. You see Him healing, feeding folks, and telling them the standard. Our most basic need is to be ransomed by Jesus. First place, yeah we separated in the worst ways. Even physically peep how the earth quakes. Separated socially, got murder and the worst rapes. Even separated from ourselves, we in the worst state. It is so major, but that’s the reason that we need a Savior. The root of every need is separation from Creator. Jesus came humbly to restore us to our maker And later He’ll restore all that He made bruh, He’s Jesus


Verse 3:

God is not pleased man, it’s clear that His standards missed. Cause the world is running rampant with, sin it’s an abandonment. Man is feeling stranded, feeling hopeless since his banishment. God is angry at the distortion and the mismanagement. Evil is at work, but don’t be thinking He can’t handle it. He promised He would do away with all of it, dismantle it. He’s put up with this damage in His world, but He’s promised us. That He’ll destroy all His enemies and then He’ll walk with us New Heaven, new Earth that’s where all His sheep dwell. Jesus succeeded in every part of life that we failed. Died the death we couldn’t die, paid our price with 3 nails. Began the work He promised, in the end we all will be well. Already beat our enemies and when His Kingdom’s realized All those who oppose Him will see Jesus with some real eyes. Deliverance is offered us, the hero He is urging us. Salvation is exclusive to His people who have turned to trust


I give my gratitude(Jesus). You died to make all things new. My knight in armour when our world is fallen. Your love’s never failing. I find safety in your arms


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